Mochimune in Shizuoka City by Internship students (2/2)

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We are internship students at Local Travel Partners.

tokoha university internship students

Tokoha University internship students

(From left to right, Risa, Nao, Sana, Miyabi)

We are studying English and media at Tokoha University in Shizuoka City.
Our role as internship students is to visit spots in Shizuoka and write down blog posts in English to introduce Shizuoka.

The places we visited are as follows
(1) Hirono Seaside Park
(2) Mochimune Minato Onsen (hot spring)
(3) Minato Yokocho Alley
(4) La Palette (Gelato Shop)
(5) Daishin (Tokoroten Shop)
(6) Mochifune-Jo Castle Ruins
(7) Mochimune Beach

This is our second blog post about Mochimune area in Shizuoka City.
In this blog post, we would like to introduce you from (4) to (7).

Regarding to (1)-(3), please visit our previous post below.
Click here.

(4) La Palette (Gelato shop)

Location: along the Mochimune Beach
Access: 10 minutes walk from the JR Mochimune Station

This is a very popular shop in Mochimune.
They sell a variety of gelato flavors using Shizuoka ingredients.
There are interesting taste such as whitebait, honey, salt, Japanese horseradish (wasabi) and sake.
In addition to the standard products, they also serve unique seasonal products, too.
So you can enjoy various kinds of gelato.

Those contain no artificial scents or colorings, and those gelato make the most of the original taste of local ingredients.
Parfaits made from gelato are also sold.
If you have a chance to visit Mochimune, we recommend you to visit this shop.

Click here to the website of La Palatte

(5) Daishin (Tokoroten shop)

Access: 10 minutes walk from the JR Mochimune Station

Have you ever heard about Tokoroten?
Tokoroten has been enjoyed in Japan for more than a thousand years.
Traditionally, it has been one of the typical cold snacks in summer.
It is a jelly-like food made from red seaweed called “Tengusa” (天草, Gelidium).

Please check this you tube video which was taken by this shop.

Click here  for more information about Tokoroten. (

Daishin is a traditional Tokoroten shop which has over 50 years of history.
You can eat Tokoroten and also eat desert made from Tokoroten.

The original Tokoroten that can be tied is the most popular one.
It is so chewy and contains no preservatives.

“Drinking Ager Jelly” is a mixture of ager and fruit sauce.
It is just the right amount, so you van have fun eating Tokoroten.
In addition, you can also enjoy their products as a taking-out.
It is so tasty and healthy with low calories.
We recommend you to try this Japanese traditional but new snack.

Click here to the website of Daishin
(Japanese language, but you can feel the atmosphere of the shop.)

(6) Mochifune-Jo Castle Ruins

Access: 15 minutes walk from the JR Mochimune Station
Tracing back the history, there was a Mochifune-jo / Mochimune Castle in the 16th century.
As the castle was on a mountain, it was a very good place to survey this area. 
Owners of this castle changed so many times.
In addition, as this place is very close to the sea, the castle was also used as a navy base.
The castle was destroyed in 1582 by Ieyasu Tokugawa who was the first shogun of Tokugawa shogunate.

Today, this spot is known as not only as castle ruins but also one of the scenic spots in Mochimune.
You can overlook the City of Shizuoka City from there.
If the weather condition is good, you can see the Mt.Fuji and the Izu Peninsula from there.

Moreover, you can overlook JR Tokaido Line and Tokaido Shinkansen Line from there.
So train enthusiasts come to take photos. 

(7) Mochimune Beach

Mochimune Beach

Mochimune Beach

Access: 5 minutes walk from the JR Mochimune Station

This beach is popular among local residents.
They enjoy sea bathing, B.B.Q, strolling, Stand Up Paddle Board, fishing etc.
Though this is not a gorgeous beach resort, it is a good place to spend a relaxing time.

This beach has clear water.
The Japanese Ministry of Environment checked the water, and they reported that this beach holds the highest rank water quality.
The clear water and the sea breeze are very soothing.


tokoha university internship students

Tokoha University internship students

Thank you so much for reading our blog posts!
It is our great pleasure if you enjoyed our blog posts.

We look forward to meeting you in Shizuoka in the near future!

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