shizuoka oden alley

About Japan’s reopening of the borders

This is Hirokane, the manager of Local Travel Partners.
Today, I would like to mention about Japan’s reopening of the borders.
Japanese government reopened the borders for overseas travelers on June 10th.
But unfortunately it is not for all travelers.

I personally can not agree at all this kind of old fashioned and discriminal policy of the government.
If I were not a Japanese, I do not want to travel to Japan yet because I can not travel freely.

1, From which countries travelers can enter Japan?
From 98 countries which are designated as blue
Indonesia, Australia, Korea, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, China, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Palau, Bangladesh, East Timor, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Laos

North America
Canada, the United States,

Middle and South America
Argentina, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Jamaica, Chile, Dominican Republic, Panama, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico

Iceland, Ireland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Italy, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Austria, the Netherlands, Greece, Kyrgyzstan, Croatia, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Hungary, Finland, France, Bulgaria, Belgium, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Monaco, Montenegro, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Luxembourg, Russia 

Middle East and Africa
Afghanistan, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Uganda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Qatar, Cameroon, Kenya, Cote d’Ivoire, Zambia, Djibouti, Tanzania, Nigeria, Bahrain, Benin, Madagascar, Malawi, South Africa, South Sudan, Mozambique, Morocco, Jordan, Rwanda

2, Required Conditions
 ・Take part in fully packaged tours which tour guuides accompany all the way.
・Have not stayed outside of blue countries within 14 days prior to a visit to Japan
・Tourist Visa
・Register Visit Japan Web

3, During stay in Japan
Have to wear masks almost all the time except bathing, outdoor activities, strolling around non crowded area.
Tour guides have to accompany tourists almost all the time except restroom, clothes changing rooms. 

After all, I think it is quite difficult to enjoy Japan travel at this moment.
I recommend you to postpone Japan travel until this foolish and shameful regulations will be removed.
I am considering this situation will be changed after the House of Councillors election in July.
Until then, the government wants to appeal that they are doing well against the covid-19.

I really hope that we can welcome guests from abroad again in the near future.

For travel agencies, I look forward to workig with you again!


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